Friday, February 5, 2010

three good quotes today, so far (one by me)


"Wolfgang Manor has been my baby since June 2009. I purchased the place with a permanent office to live the permanent vacation and give my taxidermy refuge. Yes, we get work done here too. A bunch of projects are run out of this space including: Blacktooth, N.T., Micron Hero as well as a full photo studio, and a design/branding agency in which you will hear about soon. Sorry to the neighbors for being loud but sometimes you have to shoot a tranquilizer out of a shot gun at 3am (after a photo shoot) to get that bear back in its cage and away from eating your 3 year old. It’s art and art has consequences. I live over the top because mediocre isn’t cutting it and if you didn’t live then you didn’t live. My dad once said “You aren’t guilty ’till ya get caught.” I have those words tattooed on my heart and the grey areas make life your oyster." via Carey Haider

"In order to be a leader, you have to know how to follow. But to be a GOOD leader, you have to know WHO to follow." -- My BFF Tiffani S.


and it's crazy cuz i was laying around one day, a few months ago

and i was looking at the veins in my hand, and I could like, see my heart beating, something crazy was happening

and I thought to myself -- Damn, I'm alive.

like, there's blood in there

and guts

and a heart

and emotions

and I'm really livin' this shit

it was crazy" -- ME (in an AIM conversation with my photographer friend Bradley about how "positive thoughts" are turning people into machines.)

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