Friday, October 1, 2010

Worth Knowing: Your Thoughts

Recently, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett invited a gang of millionaires and billionaires to dinner. From what I know, the dinner was held on the outskirts of Beijing at this swanky French restaurant. The guests were mainly (only?) Chinese business magnates and rich as HELL. The purpose was to basically convince them to give away a large sum of their personal income/profit away to charities around China and the world like many billionaires in our region of done recently. Apparently, a lot of people didn't RSVP, with good reason. They say it's because wealth in China is almost frowned upon. When the Chinese consider the amount of wealth these men (women?) have, they figure that they must have been doing something shady at some point in time to accumulate these dollars, or yuan for that matter. Many wealthy Chinese are often captured and put in prison and even more than that, rather than support the circulation of the yuan to the poor, many random people in China think that it's better/smarter for these men (women?) to give the money to their family versus giving the money to charity. I guess this comes from the idea that they don't want to upset the government. Seems like the rich and poor in China sort of "fear" (for lack of a better word) taking the shine away from the support that the Chinese govt. gives to their people, basically, they don't want to cast any shadows if they don't need to.

From what I've heard, a few more people showed up than expected according to the RSVP list and one man decided to give all of his money away to charity when he dies. (lol--that's not funny)

What do you guys think? Did you know about the view of wealth in China already? What do you make of it? What have you learned after studying/hearing about this idea? Are you proud of our Americans (Gates/Buffett) trying to move the world's most rich men to do "good"?

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