Sunday, December 19, 2010

Old White Men

So, the other day I was sending all these names of fine ass women that I wanted my boyfriend to Google. His first question was... "Should I wonder why you are checking out hot women?" I thought "Yes," but, I played it cool with, "I mean, you can't deny a beautiful woman when you see one, can you?" Then he asked, "Well, what men do you think are attractive?" I didn't know. There are no famous men who I just swoon over. Not Brad, not Denzel, not Johnny. I didn't have an answer, until I found this blog called The Impossible Cool. Thanks to this blog, I realized that I have a thing for old white men! Old men in general but, for the sake of tying the title with the post, they are mostly old and white . . . and FINE!

Marlon Brando

Cary Grant

Clint Eastwood

Paul Newman

James Dean

My theory is that I think these men are attractive because my parents basically raised me on classic films and WTTW. I already have this thing for all things old school so, the blog caught my eye but the deeper I went, the more I was like: HE IS SO, FINE! save to desktop -- lol.

So there you have it, babe! I find old white actors fine, even in their old age, honestly. Paul Newman!? Clint Eastwood!? Yes please!

And now the world knows. And I am embarrassed, lol. What if I told you that a masked man stood with a gun to my head saying that I MUST confess my secret to the whole innanets?

Ahhh, that feels better. : )

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